International Symposium at the Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna,
11 – 13 September 2024

»It is strange and significant that in the same year, 1874, the Austrian Decadence produced these two men destined to cause a truly salutary and decisive unrest for European culture in countless generations.« (Ernst Krenek, 1934)

Call for Papers 

On the occasion of the 150th birthdays of Arnold Schönberg & Karl Kraus, the Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna and the Wissenschaftszentrum Arnold Schönberg und die Wiener Schule, mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien are organizing an international symposium from 11 to 13 September 2024.

We welcome proposals for contributions on the following topics:

- Viennese Circles: Actors, networks, places/intersections (regional/international).
- Interconnections between the arts: music, painting, poetry, theatre
- Influences and traditions of thought
- Musical and linguistic thinking – similarities/connections
- Music and language on stage (Kraus' lectures, Schönberg's Society for private musical performances, ...)
- Publishers/clubs/associations as nodes
- Digital methods in Schönberg & Kraus research

The symposium offers Schönberg & Kraus scholars and those from related disciplines the opportunity to present the results of their research in a 30-minute talk. Symposium languages: German and English.

Submissions with abstract (approx. 300 words) and short biography(s) are requested by 15 January 2024 to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information on the acceptance of the contributions will be provided in February 2024.

The costs of up to three overnight stays per speaker can be covered by the symposium organizers. For persons without a valid employment contract at universities or comparable institutions, further support (travel expenses) will be provided. 

Literature/New publications:
Kraus-Handbuch. Hrsg. von Katharina Prager und Simon Ganahl. Berlin 2022
Schönberg-Handbuch. Hrsg. von Andreas Meyer, Therese Muxeneder und Ullrich Scheideler. Stuttgart, Kassel (erscheint im Dezember 2023)
• Therese Muxeneder: Arnold Schönberg & Karl Kraus. Wien, München. (Deutsche Ausgabe/English Edition erscheinen im Januar 2024)